The Best Way To Start Your Day Is With Coffee! | Premium
Jun 10th 2021
The coffee connoisseur in us is always on the search for that perfect coffee blend. We look for the source of the bean to the final blend, be it medium or strong. We always look for the perfect roast so that our cups of coffee are imbued with the ideal flavor and fragrance. Somehow, anything less feels like a huge disappointment. We may spend years trying to find that one blend that we will finally make our own.
Taste The Coffee
Cupping the coffee is not for everyone. It is something like what the wine taster would do. Sniffing, sipping, and savoring are parts of an elaborate process called cupping. It can be done out of fun, or you could make a career of it. The purpose of cupping is to test the quality, and flavor including the fragrance and taste. Cupping also includes texture and color. However, all of these tests can seem very technical to the coffee lover. After all, we are not all coffee growers or graders. All we want to do is enjoy our coffee.
Coffee Drinking Ritual
In any home, there are coffee mugs and teacups. They may be old and chipped or constantly replaced with new models. Our coffee mugs may also have our names engraved on them, and we are probably quite territorial about it. We look forward to that first sip of coffee each morning, drinking it from our particular coffee mugs, having made the coffee just as we like it. It becomes a daily ritual, and our day doesn’t go well if we miss our morning coffee. Some might say it is an addiction. Perhaps, it is. Nevertheless, this ritual is special and important to us.
Coffee For Good Health
Research tells us that drinking a couple of cups of coffee can be healthy. It is easy enough to agree with the researchers because it improves our energy levels and boosts our brains. Coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine that is known to give us higher energy to last through the day.
What’s more, coffee also contains antioxidants to help preserve our cells from cell damage. It is important to remember that too much of anything can be harmful to health. Therefore, drinking coffee in moderation is highly recommended. The coffee lover will also know the value of a pure cup of coffee that needs no additives such as sugar or syrups. For, it is the additive that causes more harm than good.
So, go ahead and enjoy your coffee and make it an indulgence you deserve.