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Choosing the Best Roast for You

Choosing the Best Roast for You

Posted by Kenneth Poindexter The Roaster on Jan 22nd 2020

Coffee Roasting 101: Choosing the Best Roast for You

For many people, the ritual of pouring their first cup of coffee in the morning is undoubtedly the highlight of their day. From the first whiff of the familiar and comforting aroma to when that delicious flavor hits their tongue, there truly is nothing better than a mug of the good stuff first thing in the morning. However, while many people love coffee, they may not realize that they’re severely limiting themselves if they don’t pay closer attention to the roast of the bean. After all, the roast is essential to bringing out all of the incredible flavors of their brew. If you’re interested in improving your morning joe, but you’re not sure what roast is best for your palate, then we here at Mugsy’s Fresh Roast would like to help break it down for you!

Light Roast

Of all the roasts out there, light roast is probably the most understood. Many people mistakenly believe that light roast means that the coffee is going to be bland, watery, and weak. That couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, light roast helps preserve more of the caffeine found in the bean, which means you’re going to get more bang for your energy buck when you sip a mug of light roast. Light roast is toasted until it’s a lighter brown color and has more acid than darker roasts, but the flavor tends to be more mild and pleasant for those who are avoiding an excessively smoky flavor.

Medium Roast

Medium roast is the perfect roast for those who are looking to strike a balance between flavor profile and caffeine levels. These beans are roasted until they are medium-brown in hue. While they have less caffeine than light roast coffee, they still boast more of a kick than a darker roast coffee. Medium roast coffee also tastes less grainy than light roast coffee, which means that you’ll get more of that powerful bean and smoke flavor. As the preferred flavor of coffee in America, this is a highly popular roast and for good reason – it tastes amazing, whether you prefer it black or with cream and sugar!

Dark Roast

Dark roast coffee is ideal for people who really want to know that they’re drinking a cup of coffee. There’s no blandness to this roast at all. The beans are roasted until they’re nice and dark, and there’s no telltale grain flavor to it at all. They’re also very low in acidity, which makes it the drink of choice for people who struggle with acid reflux after drinking coffee. This roast has a robust, almost burnt flavor. Dark roasts are also commonly used in espresso blends due to their bold flavor profile.

No matter how you take your coffee in the morning, we here at Mugsy’s Fresh Roast have a brew for you. To learn more about our different coffees, please don’t hesitate to browse our online shop. Or, if you have any questions about picking out your next roast, please drop us a line today!